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Bylaws (2) - General Chair and the Organizing Committee

General Chair(s) and the Organizing Committee

In each conference, the General Chair(s), the Program Chair(s), and other selected chairs (for example, Tutorial Chair) form the Conference Organizing Committee for that conference and are charged with the planning, running, and oversight of that conference to ensure that it meets the objectives stated in earlier sections.

The General Chair(s) are responsible for the overall running of the conference, and serve as the Chair(s) of the Organizing Committee. This Chair proposes the Organizing Committee plan, which must be approved by the Steering Committee.

The Organizing Committee approves all major decisions concerning the conference. The General Chair is responsible for the finances of the conference and for coordinating local arrangements. To these ends, the General Chair will appoint a Treasurer, and a Local Arrangements Chair. The General Chair may also appoint a Publicity Chair, Publications Chair, Registration Chair and other positions as necessary.

The General Chair(s) or the appointed Publicity Chair is responsible for publicity of the conference. All notices requesting papers, panels, tutorials and tool demonstrations as well as the program announcement and registration material shall be widely distributed in a timely manner. These include announcements in professional and research journals, the trade press, and separate mailings to individuals on mailing lists of interested or participating organizations, and distribution in electronic bulletin boards. The goal is to allow full participation in all facets of the conference by the world-wide artificial intelligence communities.

The General Chair(s) are responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and financial supports from conference sponsors.