Call For Domestic Volunteers

International Conference PRICAI 2024 / PRIMA 2024 Call for Volunteers

Event Outline
- Event Name: PRICAI 2024 (20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) / PRIMA 2024 (27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems)
- Date: November 18th - 24th, 2024
- Venue: Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
- Organizers: PRICAI Organizing Committee / PRIMA Organizing Committee
- This is an international academic conference that brings together researchers, engineers and business people from around the world working in the fields of AI and multi-agent systems.

Volunteer Recruitment Outline
Recruitment Period
- November 18th, 2024 - November 24th, 2024

Number of volunteers required
- Approximately 50

Details of activities
During the conference, volunteers will be engaged in the following support work
- Reception (guidance for participants, distribution of badges, provision of materials, etc.)
- Support for setting up and dismantling the venue
- Guiding participants and managing session venues
- Support for speakers and guests
- Technical support for online sessions
- Other support work related to conference management

- Must be at least 18 years old (students are preferred)
- Must be able to communicate in English (as this is an international conference, some of the guidance and support work will be in English)
- Those with an interest in artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems are welcome
- Those with an interest in the management of academic conferences and international conferences
- Those who are cooperative in working as part of a team

Volunteer Period
- Shifts on either November 17th or November 24th, 2024

- Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall (Detailed address will be provided after application)

- Free admission to PRICAI 2024 / PRIMA 2024 (if you participate as a volunteer. If you give a presentation or attend as an audience member, you will need to pay an admission fee)
- Volunteer certificate
- Networking opportunities with academic researchers

How to apply
Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information:
- Full name
- Contact details (email address and phone number)
- Educational background or occupation
- English ability (TOEIC score, TOEFL score, etc. or another evidence, if any)
- Experience of volunteering at international conferences (if any)
- Reason for applying
- Preferred dates to work

Application Deadline
- October 31, 2024 (Applications will be closed as soon as the maximum number of volunteers is reached)

Selection Method
If there are many applicants, selection will be based on the contents of the application. The results of the selection will be notified by email.

PRICAI 2024 / PRIMA 2024 Volunteer Secretariat
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

国際会議 PRICAI 2024 / PRIMA 2024 ボランティア募集要項



- イベント名: PRICAI 2024(第20回 太平洋国際人工知能会議)/ PRIMA 2024(第27回 マルチエージェントシステムの原則と実践に関する国際会議)

- 開催日: 2024年11月18日~2024年11月24日

- 開催場所: 京都大学百周年時計台記念館

- 主催: PRICAI組織委員会 / PRIMA組織委員会

- 世界中からAI・マルチエージェントシステムの研究者、技術者、企業関係者が集まる国際学術会議です。




- 2024年11月18日 ~ 2024年11月24日



- 50名程度




- 受付対応(参加者への案内、バッジの配布、資料提供など)

- 会場設営・撤去のサポート

- 参加者の誘導およびセッション会場の管理

- スピーカーやゲストのサポート

- オンラインセッションの技術サポート

- その他、会議運営に関する補助業務



- 18歳以上の方(学生、社会人問いませんが、学生の方が望ましい)

- 英語でのコミュニケーションが可能な方(国際会議のため、英語を使った案内やサポート業務が含まれます)

- 人工知能やマルチエージェントシステムに興味がある方歓迎

- 学会や国際会議の運営に関心がある方

- チームでの作業に協力的な方



- 2024年11月17日 ~ 2024年11月24日のいずれかの日程でシフト制



- 京都大学百周年時計台記念館(詳細な住所は応募後に通知します)



- PRICAI 2024 / PRIMA 2024 の参加費無料(ボランティアとして参加する場合。発表や聴講の場合は参加費が必要です)

- ボランティア証明書の発行

- 学術研究者とのネットワーキングの機会



以下の情報を添えて、This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.に送付してください。

- 氏名(漢字・フリガナ)

- 連絡先(メールアドレス、電話番号)

- 学歴または職業

- 英語力(目安として、TOEICスコアや英検レベルなど)

- 国際会議のボランティア経験(あれば)

- 応募動機

- 希望シフト日程



- 2024年10月31日(ただし、定員に達し次第締め切らせていただきます)






PRICAI 2024 / PRIMA 2024 ボランティア担当事務局

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.