The CFS flyer has been published!

PRICAI 2024 is an international conference aimed at sharing the latest research and advances in artificial intelligence in the Pacific Rim and facilitating dialogue between academia and industry. The conference will bring together researchers, engineers, students and industry leaders for knowledge exchange, networking and the development of new ideas. PRICAI 2024 has received more than 500 paper submissions to date and is expected to host a lively discussion on AI from young researchers, including students, to prominent researchers from different countries. PRIMA 2024 is an international conference on multiagent (distributed artificial intelligence) that started as a PRICAI workshop and is now a community of researchers, mainly from Asia and Europe, PRICAI2024 and PRIMA2024, held in collaboration on the same day at the same conference venue, providing an opportunity to appeal to a wider audience.

PRICAI2024 & PRIMA2024 offers an excellent opportunity to enhance your company's brand value and demonstrate your commitment to the cutting-edge AI community.

-Important Dates

Application Deadline  October 31, 2024

Payment Deadline  November 11, 2024

All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).

-Sponsorship packages 

Platinum Sponsor JPY 2,000,000

-Major sponsor recognition: top placement of your logo on conference materials and website.

-Speech at the opening ceremony (10 minutes): opportunity for a representative from the sponsoring company to speak at the

opening ceremony.

-Speech at the banquet (10 minutes): opportunity for a representative from the sponsoring company to speak at the banquet.

-Speech at the Student Reception (10 minutes): opportunity for a representative from the sponsoring company to speak at the


-Free registration: up to five free conference registrations.

Gold Sponsor JPY 1,000,000

-Speech at the banquet (10 minutes): opportunity for a representative from the sponsoring company to speak at the conference.

-Speech at the Student Reception (10 minutes): opportunity for a representative from the sponsoring company to speak at the


-Highly visible logo: Highly visible logo on official conference materials and website.

-Free registration: up to three free conference registrations.

Silver Sponsor JPY 500,000

10-minute speech at the Student Reception: opportunity for a representative from the sponsoring company to speak at the conference.

-Logo: Logo on official conference materials and website.

-Free registration: up to two free conference registrations.

Bronze sponsor JPY 300,000

-Logo: Logo on official conference materials and website.

-Complimentary registration: one complimentary conference registration.

Individual item sponsorship

- Speech at the banquet (10 minutes) JPY 400,000

 Opportunity to speak at the banquet.

- Speech at the Student Reception (10 minutes) JPY 300,000

 Opportunity to make a speech at the student reception.

- Logo on website JPY 100,000

 Logo display on website as general sponsor.

- Donation to banquet and student reception ¥ 100,000 per unit

 Introduction at the banquet and student reception.

- Other offers will be considered on request.

Benefits of sponsorship

-Increased brand awareness: your logo and name will appear on conference materials, website and press releases.

-Networking: opportunities to interact directly with AI professionals from around the world.

-Access to the latest trends: learn about the latest research and market trends in AI technology.

-Talent spotting: contact and recruiting opportunities with the next generation of AI engineers and researchers.

-How to apply. 

Companies interested in sponsorship should contact the following email address. The deadline for applications is October 31, 2024.

The deadline for payment is November 11, 2024.

Applications should be submitted as a single pdf file to the sponsorship chairs (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


For questions or further information on sponsorship, please contact the PRICAI 2024 & PRIMA 2024 Sponsorship Officer.